BOD Accomplishments for 2021-2022 and Visions for 2022-2023
Board of Directors
Timeline of Accomplishments
Completed Reservoirs Clean-Ups
The reservoir at the top of KLRF by Lot 35 (the largest of the 3 reservoirs) was dredged and emptied down to the liner. Removal of 1/2 of a foot of sludge and debris – including frogs and thousands of little fish was completed. This task was done by the KLRF maintenance crew.
Continuation of Road Paving and Other Improvements
The first paving job is has been completed. Paving was done from the entrance of Kunia Road all the way to the solar light pole of the KLRF entrance.
The second phase of paving was completed by the KLRF office on both sides entering the farm – Palikea Road to lot #47C & Pohakea road to Palawai road intersection.
Solar Lights Installation at the Entrance to KLRF
For safety and visibility reasons a solar light was installed at the entrance. This will allow members and guests to have proper lighting and good visibility when entering into KLRF after dark.
KLRF Multipurpose-Steel Community Structure
This multipurpose community structure was constructed by the KLRF maintenance crew. The structure can be used for doing repairs and various other labored work under the cover a shade during sunny days. We will also be using this community structure for upcoming meets and events, and in the future have a fully functional place for a Farmers Market for our members.
Newly Built Guard Shack
The guard shack has been newly built and is now fully functional. We have hired gatekeepers to oversee the incoming and outgoing traffic at this guard shack.
The goal is to ensure the safety of our members by keeping out unwanted guest or visitors that might otherwise affect our community in a negative way.
Visible Signs to KLRF from the Road side
With the signs visible from the roadside, visitors and guest can now see where the entrance to KLRF is located.
The sign has the name and address of KLRF in large letters and is visible to the traffic passing through the Kunia Loa Ridge.
KLRF New Compliance Officer
A new Compliance Officer was hired to ensure that the rules and regulations are followed. We are all working together to provide a safe working environment for our farmers to be successful.
KLRF Members Only Website
This newly created website was designed by Virgil Vergara of The Remote Dream Team. The site allows us to have a fully functional email newsletter and provides us to communicate with our members via SMS text messaging.
The site is also where you can read the bylaws, rules and regulation and provides a members-only dashboard for important documents to be access if needed.
We wanted to build a website to provide value to our members and to provide them with a venue to bring up their suggestions, ideas and concerns.
Formed a KLRF Water Committee
The KLRF Board formed a water committee to gather information on water resources alternatives, purification of water for our water system, and to report cost and difficulties accompanied to the different alternatives. We will also explore ways of obtaining information on individual personal lots through purification kits.
Established a KLRF Aloha Team
We established a KLRF Aloha Team to be a central hub of communication between our members and with the Board of Directors, KLRF Superintendent, our Compliance Offer.
We are doing this through email, live phone calls and two-way SMS texting.
The KLRF Board of Directors wanted to proper and responsive communications with the our members so that we can address your questions, ideas and concerns.
This line of communication is strictly for our members to insure that their voices are heard during our meetings.
Current Board of Directors 2021-2022
Current BOD members have provided labor, machinery, and materials at no cost, saving KLRF lot owners thousands of dollars. These BOD members also volunteer their time and energy to help beautify our community.
The Vision of 2022-2023
Board of Directors Members
The vision of 2022-2023 BOD members is to obtain water rights/well permit, install electricity to replace the generator at the entrance, gate area and work area, continue the paving of the roads, purchase new machinery instead of renting, create a median turning lane with caution lights at Kunia Road entrance and clean the next two reservoirs.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these projects. Your advice and feedback was and is greatly appreciated.
Board of Directors
for 2021-2022 Term
Kimi Richardson – President
Silivenusi Manufekai – Vice President
Dwight Burdick – Treasurer
Cindy Dawson – Secretary
Francis Robinoil – Director
Kristina Shimabukuro – Director
Walden Butay – Director
Elliot Arana – Superintendent